Funeral Services
Arranging a funeral for a loved one, there is so much to be considered, especially when the service has not been pre-planned.
John, Philip and the staff at McMahon Funeral Directors provide a 24-hour service, 7 days a week. You will be guaranteed a very understanding response whenever you are in need of our services, advice and experience.

Our services include everything relevant to the funeral business. We offer full care and preparation of the deceased including:
- Embalming
- Full funeral arrangements with participating Clergy
- Compiling and placing funeral arrangements on local Radio, newspapers and also on
- Arranging organists and soloists for participation in the Funeral Mass or Service
- Providing books of condolence at the Church, private residence or Funeral Home
- Repatriation; when a loved one dies abroad, you will find us fully qualified to handle all the paperwork, contact with local Embassies, and all the arrangements to take your loved one home to Ireland or from Ireland to your Country.
- Pre-planning funeral services in conjunction with can also be organised with you by our staff at McMahon Funeral Directors.
We cover everything in the funeral business – that is our guarantee.
We will never pretend to be able to take away all your pain and feelings of loss but we will promise to take all the weight from your shoulders and place it firmly on ours.